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Celestial Loom
Tech Stack: Gatsby, Netlify, Netlify CMS, Snipcart e-commerce
The latest Celestial Loom website represents the consolidation of two previous services that made up Nikki Davenport's Astrology presence online: The original Celestial Loom site, and her wordpress blog. Netlify CMS provides the basis for an admin dashboard that allows the creation of new blog posts, services, and events, while Snipcart provides a dynamic checkout experience for customers purchasing a service or event admission.
Unique Solutions: I wanted to ensure that the content management aspect of the Celestial Loom would be robust but not overly technical. I focused on sharing components between CMS preview and actual app, as well as mapping the data acurately to provide a real-time view of blog posts, services, etc. as they are created.